If you’re concerned about being welcoming to everyone, including the transgender population, you should consider including pronouns on name tags. The idea is not just for transgender people to mark their pronouns on their name tags. That would single them out. Rather, the idea is for everyone to do so. Cisgender people listing our pronouns is a way for us to say the burden doesn’t only fall in one direction. Pronoun stickers make this easier.
Without some reminder, people are liable to forget to write down their pronouns. It’s really only been catching on at conferences and things in the last few years. So, pronoun stickers and a little sign explaining them can be a big help in remembering!

Avery multi-use labels, 1/2″ x 3/8″, 1008 in a package (36 per sheet, 28 sheets) — $7.50

20 “she,” 20 “he,” and 4 “they” labels on one of these 4×6 sheets. This seems like a reasonable ratio.
This is obviously not an exhaustive list of pronouns people might use. These are just the most common, but I thought it was important that the stickers not be strictly binary. That way, non-binary people and people whose presentation may not match their identity know we’ve already thought of them when they show up. So, the most common gender-neutral pronoun, “they,” is on the sticker sheet. If hir pronoun is uncommon enough, ze can write it on hir name tag with a pen, but the welcome to non binary folks is clear.
Want to print off a bunch of these for your meeting or quarterly meeting? Grab the pronoun sticker PDF. As you can maybe see from the photo, the PDF works with Avery’s Multi-Use Labels, code 5418. They’re on a 4×6″ sheet (so set your printer to 4×6), and you can get over 1000 pronoun stickers out of a single pack. The pack cost me about $7 at Staples, so they’ll last you a while, even if your meeting isn’t in the habit of reusing name tags.
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